The Board of Directors continue working diligently to both maintain and improve the safety and beautification of our park. In our first Blog, we provided you with information on the last Board whose tenure ended at the beginning of April 2023, and we provided a bullet list of everything accomplished by the current board from April 2023-October 2023. Below is what has been accomplished since November 2023 to date.
The pool is open! The hours are 8:00am to 8:00pm. Some homeowners have been leaving their food and drinks for maintenance to clean up. The Board has posted a sign on the pool door that no food or drinks are allowed in the pool area without permission from the Board. Please be courteous. It is getting hot and we do not want to close the pool for water contamination.
We are very grateful to the homeowners who have worked and are working so hard on ridding their property of weeds. The Committee will be going through the park, starting the first week of June, to note compliance. The Committee will be very fair as to the condition of each individual’s property.
1. Pylons throughout the park have been painted white with red tops providing easy visual for drivers at night.
2. New HVAC unit installed for game room to replace inoperable swamp cooler.
3. The back area (a.k.a. the greens) was scraped to clear weeds and goat heads. This will be an ongoing process throughout the year.
4. The new Landscaper was hired for half the price of the previous Landscaper.
5. New website up and running. Owners are now able to pay HOA dues online by the month or by any amount entered.
6. Kubota tractor has been repaired and in use throughout the park on various projects.
7. Ongoing project of finding a ground clear product that will eliminate weeds. Our understanding is the county is having the same issue.
8. Continue to improve the efficiency of our office systems and procedures as well as the ability to quickly create and send invoices to the homeowners using Microsoft Excel and Quickbooks Online generate said documents in record time.
9. The Roads Department came through (May 20-24) and filled in the potholes throughout the park. Thank you to Board member, Paula Clark, for spearheading this endeavor and a special thanks to all the homeowners that submitted the request to Nye County Roads Department for the work to be done. Without you this project would have taken so much longer.
10. The Roads Department, also spearheaded by Paula Clark, came into the park with two street sweepers and swept the entire park.
THANK YOU EVERYONE!!! We update the Blog and the Notice menus on our website as we have any information for you. Please check the website frequently for these communications.
Hi! This initial Blog post was written by the current Board of Directors. Quite a few of the Association’s members have commented to the Board as to how much better communication has been and that they thoroughly appreciate the transparency. Honestly, it makes us feel good because we have worked tirelessly on learning, fixing and righting the errors made in the past.
So, to communicate to you, honestly: What’s been going on since April 2023? At a Board of Director’s meeting, with a quorum of members present, the then President of the Board was removed from the Board of Directors. Two Board members resigned at that meeting. At that meeting, the remaining Board member filled Board vacancies with three members. There were now four Board members. On 14, July 2023, one of the Board members resigned to return to school. There were now three Board members. Those members were: Yvonne Hillier-Gnecco, who became President; Donna Tauler, who became Vice President and Lisa Ralston, who became Secretary/Treasurer. After a notice was posted to fill the vacancies, on 12, September, Cleve Kingston volunteered to become a Board member and a vacancy was filled. On 28, November 2023, Donna Tauler resigned. Currently, there are the remaining three Board members.