As per the Nevada NRS, HOAs are required to hold a Board Meeting at least every ninety (90) days.
The following dates, times and place are the Comstock Park HOA Board Meetings for 2025:
These dates are in the Calendar menu on the website.
Remember, to see the Calendar menu, you will need to register to gain access to the Calendar and Documents menus.
Another hot, arid Summer has passed on by. The pool is officially closed for the Summer 2024 season. The tennis court and the basketball court are being resurfaced as of this writing and for safety, we must close the pool. The pool will be drained and it will be replastered, resurfaced and repainted during the upcoming Fall/Winter months. This was, we will be ready to reopen by Memorial Day, Monday, May 26, 2025.
As per our CC&Rs, invoices for dues are mailed each year in late February for the dues year which runs from April 1-March 31 of the next year (12 months). Also, in the CC&Rs, it states that a $10.00 late fee is applied if that month is not paid by the 15th of the month.
We are not required by our CC&Rs nor the Nevada NRS to mail out invoices for the monthly late fees. Therefore, statements and/or invoices will no longer by mailed. This will save us between $800.00 and $1200 per year in postage, paper, envelopes and printing costs. All of us homeowners know that the dues are legal mandates.
Thank you for your understanding and legal compliance. We all must do it!
Comstock Park HOA
Board of Directors
On Monday, 8 July 2024, a homeless person gained entrance to the Clubhouse area by saying he had a delivery. He gained access to the pool and used the shower. He then gained access to the Game room to cool in the A/C. There were mothers with their children in the pool. DO NOT OPEN THE GATE FOR ANYONE. Homeowners are the only people who can gain access to the Clubhouse area only if they have a card or a FOB. This is an extremely important level of security. This is in place for both your safety and for those that are in the Clubhouse area. If anyone says that they left their access device at home, simply say ‘Go get it!’ DO NOT OPEN THE GATE FOR ANYONE.